Monday, November 12, 2007

MASystems Project - Step 1: develop the project idea

This is the first step in a new openly shared project - MASystems.Org. I will follow the standard PMBOK approach of Initiation, Planning, Execution/Control and then Close Out (even though I'm an avid Agile PM person - the base 5 steps are the same). Here's the Project Initiation:

Project: MASystems.Org - Learning how to develop a modern PHP web site.


Learn PHP5/MySQL through the development of a Martial Arts web site. The focus is on utilizing open source tools, object oriented development and leading edge development practices. The Martial Arts web site itself is of interest to me and something I have a level of knowledge about (SME), so the content and resulting web site should not get in the way of the focus point - Gaining a better understanding of modern open source web site development practices.

The value is derived by my ability to maintain and advance my career as a IT Project Manager for the next (gulp) 20+ years.......

  • utilize open source development tools (don't pay for anything)
  • use OO programming approaches
  • understand how 'leading edge' developers work (frameworks, etc.)
  • Refresh myself on PHP/MySQL
  • understand how OO is implemented in the latest PHP (v5)
  • understand the various frameworks, template, etc. approaches to development
  • incorporate Agile approaches such as Test Driven Development (TDD), simplicity (KISS) and Refactoring

  • Use the existing url/hosting (via GoDaddy) - which is currently being used to test various CMS systems (Joomla being the most recent)
  • Keep the initial delivery to defining the various martial arts systems, styles, existing martial arts web sites, and martial arts personalities (keep it simple)
  • additional phases should include ability for users to add to all aspects of the site and provide commentary
  • Use this as a learning experience, but keep the coding as minimal as possible (reason for use of a framework/template)
  • User Google Docs to document project, progress, etc.
  • Openly and honestly communicate......
    This above all: to thine own self be true,
    And it must follow, as the night the day,
    Thou canst not then be false to any man. - Shakespeare
Google Docs:

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