Wednesday, May 16, 2007

George Marshall

George Marhsall "organizer of victory" by Winston Churchill......I'm pretty sure I've written about George Marshall prior. When I think of planning, organizing, realizing scope of issue and understanding of ALL moving parts - I think of good ole' George. Where US Grant took warfare to the next level in understanding how multiple theaters of operation interact, coordination in a era of primitive communication, etc. - GEORGE took it to the next level in understanding economics, social implications, post-war impacts of war time industrial changes, etc. and coordination and planning in an era of primitive planning. Super Organizer? Master Project Manager? Yes. Fearless in his pursuit YES - facing Hitler, Stalin, Tojo is a bit different level then most of us have to face on a daily basis.

As Chief of Staff, Marshall oversaw the largest military expansion in U. S. history, inheriting an outmoded, poorly equipped army of 200,000 men and, partly drawing from his experience teaching and developing techniques of modern warfare as an instructor at the Army War College, coordinated the large-scale expansion and modernization of the U. S. army into a force of over eight million soldiers by 1942 (a fortyfold increase within three years).

In about 2 years from 200,000 to 8,000,000 with modern equipment (industrial changes), financial backing (economic), backing of the people (cultural) and professional (training) - WOW! and we complain about a 3 month 3 person project and all the obstacles we have to overcome.

What was his approach? what made him successful? If we (ME) can answer that...then....

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